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Chastanet Praises Entrepreneurs, Shares His Business Experience With Youngsters

Opposition leader and businessman Allen Chastanet has praised the role entrepreneurs play in society, describing it as ‘crucial’.

“They are the risk takers who pursue opportunities, create jobs and help solve some of the challenges that exist in the market,” the United Workers Party (UWP) leader wrote on Facebook,

“In short, their bravery helps take any economy to new heights,” the former Prime Minister asserted.

His comments came as he noted that on Wednesday, he had the honour of sharing his knowledge and experience as an entrepreneur with the Entrepreneurs Club at the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College.

According to Chastanet, such groups are extremely important in helping to prepare the nation’s youth for the realities of life and business.

He commended the board, management, and staff at the college for seeing the value in having such activities for the students and encouraging more professionals to reach out to the learning institution to help inspire young people.

“Thank you to @drymstyle and @tastybites_bybrits for the product samples from their businesses. I am truly impressed. Follow their pages on Instagram and be sure to support the growth of their small businesses,” Chastanet wrote.

And he concluded by wishing all the students great success with their respective ventures

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  1. I can only imagine the bad advise those young ones are getiing .. tourism tourism tourism and dont forget selling our lands in the name of tourism lol


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