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Car Thieves Strike Again In Castries


Car thieves have struck again, this time making off with a vehicle parked at Chase Gardens, Castries.

The owner told St Lucia Times she parked the Toyota Vitz PL 8404, which has an alarm, outside her home on Monday at about 6:00 pm.

But by early morning the following day, the vehicle was gone.

The owner has urged anyone with information about the stolen vehicle to call 7128760 or 4616974 or contact the nearest police station.

Last week a video of a young man removing a battery from a parked vehicle in Castries after prying open the bonnet went viral on social media.

But the car’s owner reported finding the stolen item the next day.

The thief apparently dropped the battery outside the owner’s home in Castries.

The battery was in a bag.

Headline photo: Stock image

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  1. The Owners of Motor Vehicles in St.Lucia Have to Use their Brains to avoid these Thugs Stealing their Vehicle

  2. Mad max you are so right them young guys will never go an work in the private sector for 2 to 3 dollars an hour crime is more lucrative to them

  3. @Freemason and Madmax the SLT should never allowed your idiotic comments to be posted but again the SLT is not responsible for our level of education

  4. @HN you are correct ..the Lucian criminals aka
    felonious, unlawfuls, malefactors, evildoers, transgressors, culprits, felons, crooks, hoodlums, gangsters are certainly NOT looking for gainful employment even if it paid $30 an hour.

    These are good for nothings who want to live as described above therefore the authorities need to deal with them. Their cv or resume speaks for itself…criminal criminal criminal ..they are not looking for employment like the rest of society.

    By the way the audacity of the thief to place the battery by the residence of the victim.
    I hope he will be charged for stealing the battery in the first place’s a crying shame…

  5. Hn with all the education that you have , how comes the country is so poor . The young men will never put their firearms away and go to work in the private sector for 2 to 3 dollars an hour..


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