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Grandmother Returns BTC Escapee


The grandmother of one of the four wards who escaped from the Boys Training Centre (BTC) has turned the youngster in.

Minister of Equity, Social Justice, and Empowerment Joachim Henry confirmed the youngster’s return in an interview with St Lucia Times.

“Certainly, the village has come alive as it relates to this ward. It’s always a village that raises a child and I am extremely happy that one of the wards has returned,” Henry stated.

“This is encouraging. It is hopeful and of course it speaks to who we are as a people and the possibilities when family members, when everyone gets involved in dealing with the issue of deviant behaviour of our young people,” the Minister explained.

He said the other escapees should be encouraged to return to the BTC.

And Henry reiterated that his Ministry is implementing measures to improve life for the wards and intensify their care.

Four BTC Wards escaped from the juvenile care centre on Tuesday.

And the authorities are seeking the three who remain at large.


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  1. That’s one of the No Nonsense Grand Mother .Who Displayed good GrandMothers Parenting. I hope the other Grand Parents take Note

  2. Thank God they found him alive at Grandmother, it could have been worse if some gang got him first. This is why I urge parents to seek ‘The Lord first’ in their lives, better still in the morning, night will do. WE ARE LIVING IN THE END TIMES; TIME IS SHORT.

  3. So where is the father of that young man .. Where is his mother poverty , lack of education and life skills is our problem in St Lucia .. The system has failed . We have so many people with bachelor’s, masters and PhDs earning 7 to 15 thousand dollars a month from poor tax payers like me yet still to get a passport or a simple birth certificate is like going through the gates of hell Kenny Anthony wanted to put a administration building in the south but the idiot called chastanet strip it off and put a wasco building but yet still some black people see the man as a God..

  4. Minister, you need to be honest about the lack of resources provided by the government to assist the Management and Staff of the Boys Training Centre in ensuring the best care is provided. The facility is a disaster, There is a need for reconstruction of the facility, and properly outfitted classrooms to endure quality education. Updated sports center for basketball, tennis, gym, etc. Noting that Art Therapy is vital to mental health, what Art tools and programs are available, the answer is little to move. There are no CTV cameras, you expect a guard will have eyes over the entire building? The center should represent a home environment. Are there advocacy services for those who cannot represent themselves? Your government speaks about the youth community, yet there is little investment in the Boys Training Center. Then one wonders why the boys escape when the facility lacks basic resources to aid their rehabilitation .

  5. Minister, you need to be honest about the lack of resources provided by the government to assist the Management and Staff of the Boys Training Centre in ensuring the best care is provided. The facility is a disaster, There is a need for a major renovation of the facility to ensure modernized outfitted classrooms. Updated sports center for basketball, tennis, and gym to facilitate instructional programs. There should be a facility for crafts, and a theater to display talent in Arts: poetry, musicals, etc. Noting that Art Therapy is vital to mental health, what Art tools and programs are available, the answer is little to none. The toilets need attention. There is also a need for improved facilities for staff. There are no CTV cameras, you expect a guard will have eyes over the entire building? The center should represent a home environment. Are there advocacy services for those who cannot represent themselves? Your government speaks about the youth community, yet there is little investment in the Boys Training Center. Then one wonders why the boys escape when the facility lacks basic resources to aid their rehabilitation. St Lucians need to visit the facility and I am certain you will all be alarmed at the discomfort and lack of basic requirements to create a home-like environment.


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