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WATCH: Retired CCJ President Addresses Reservations About The Court’s Independence


Retired Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) President Sir Denis Byron has been addressing concerns regarding the court’s independence, as Saint Lucia moves to make it the Island’s final appellate jurisdiction.

Sir Denis spoke at a recent town hall meeting in Vieux Fort  to raise public awareness about the move.

SOURCE: CCJ Accession Committee

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  1. Look how much people in the room and you wonder why we has a people are still in the dark….I did not attend because I have no skepticism. I can’t wait for the other meetings to happen especially up North where Rabba rousers and Massa Lovers resides, and I will bet you the same ones who are calling for demonstrations and have demonstrated will not be present.

  2. Can these Town Hall meetings be recorded and posted on NTN for more thorough access by many more.

  3. Has CCJ been accused of interfering in elections in Guyana and Dominica?
    Have members of the CCJ been accused of corruption by a Dominican lawyer?
    Is there an intention for a former politician from St. Lucia to sit on the CCJ?
    How much money has St. Lucia spent on the CCJ to date?
    Is it value for money for the state?
    Do the CCJ members live luxurious tax free lifestyles that are dependent on the largesse of incumbent politicians?


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