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Joachim Henry Says He Is ‘Doing Much Better’, Thanks Well-Wishers And Medical Personnel


Minister of Equity, Justice, and Social Empowerment Joachim Henry, currently in hospital in Martinique, has disclosed that he is doing much better and has expressed ‘sincerest gratitude’ to God Almighty for preserving his life.

He has also expressed thanks to the doctors and nurses of Tapion Hospital who attended to him, his colleagues, staff, constituents, and everyone else who ‘lifted’ him in prayers.

“Your expression of love is overwhelming and greatly appreciated. I am doing much better now,” the Castries South East MP wrote on Facebook.

He said he was now enjoying some much-needed rest.

” I ask that you continue praying for me and for each other even as our country faces some serious situations,” the Minister said.

“I look forward to a full recovery and to reunite with you to continue the work for which I have been elected,” he disclosed.

Henry was rushed to Tapion Hospital on Sunday and later to Martinique for further medical treatment.

He was under medical care on the French Caribbean Island.



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  1. I’m happy for feeling better, just a quick question will you be going to the stadium for a follow up?


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