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Police Warn Against Good Friday Alcohol Sales


The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force reminds the General Public that the sale of Liquor is prohibited on Good Friday. Section 30 of the Liquor Licence Act Chapter 13.17 states,

Closing hours

(1) Subject to the provisions of section 5 relating to closing hours for specific licences, a licence holder shall not sell, or expose for sale, any intoxicating liquor or open, or keep open, his or her licensed premises-

(a) during the whole of Good Friday, Christmas Day and Corpus Christi Day.

Persons who contravene this law will be arrested and their Liquor licences will be revoked.

SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force



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  1. can someone explain to me what is the relevance of this law and why is it even a law? it is illegal to have strip clubs i dont see the police doing anything about it but you want to tell people about alcohol

  2. All stupid OLD CATHOLIC LAWS need to br WIPED OFF THE BOOKS. So let’s understand this because you know some FOOL is going to come with their jibberish for the non intellect so you cant sell a beer up to 11:59 today until 12:01 am Saturday morning ?? Christmas Day and Corpus Christi Day as well ,??? Who are they with their European Doctrines and religious beliefs ,??? Fire for on all their abomination and atrocities within those sanctuary’s which are more satanic than
    the consumption of alcohol on Good Friday. Old times thinking not working no more we are a WOKE generation and we are not looking back and I am proud to be part of it . We have been mentally enslaved far too long.

  3. Crap I not catholic why I must celebrate their holidays that’s against the constitution

  4. Lawlessness is on display ! Whether we like a law or not it must be obeyed . Be civil.


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