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Equity Minister Endorses Family Strengthening, Community Parenting

The Ministry of Equity, Social Justice, and Empowerment has provided full support to the family life department of the Dierre Fort Seventh Day Adventist Church, in facilitating the launch of a three-session parenting workshop dubbed, “It Takes a Village to Raise a Child”.
Equity Minister Hon. Joachim Henry noted that his Ministry identifies with the view “that the family is the building block of a strong society.”
According to Minister Henry, “as such, a broken dysfunctional family will inevitably disrupt the normal functioning of the wider society. It is therefore incumbent on parents to embrace the concepts of positive and nurturing parenting to raise children who will contribute positively to their communities and by extension society.”
Effective parenting he underscored is a critical element of any planned intervention to solve the rapid decay of society.
Acknowledging that we are dependent on each other and that the concept of the village raising a child should be constantly at the forefront of our minds, Minister Henry said we must as a society, at every chance, embrace opportunities that will enable us to strengthen our families.
“While we acknowledge that we cannot revert to the full notion of the village raising the child, it is imperative to highlight the concept of the village in today’s conversation with technology and advancement. Caring, respecting, and supporting each other remains pertinent in ensuring a safe village, Henry said.
At the first session, parents were furnished with relevant tools and information that will assist with improving and strengthening the overall social health of their families.
The second phase of the training workshop takes place on April, 29, 2023.

SOURCE: Ministry of Equity, Social Justice and Empowerment. Headline stock photo courtesy Mieke Campbell (

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  1. The SDA church is really trying to help St. Lucia to become a more stable society. I must say that with God there is no impossibility. It is my prayer that the SDA continue to make an impact for the kingdom here on earth. It would also be beneficial to provide some literacy classes as the need for basic literacy is great. Godspeed.


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