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WATCH: New secure Saint Lucia detention facility scheduled for completion in 2024


Prime Minister and Minister for National Security, Hon. Philip J. Pierre, has given assurances the construction of a new detention facility to safely and securely hold detainees is scheduled for completion in 2024.

We hear more in this report:

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. Honestly I was against destroying that place because of its historical value and still against it, the Royal Goal could have been a historic site to maybe visit and show to visitors, we all know that entire place was not all that and was very well infested with mold hence the reason the Newley renovated central police station done by Rayneau was eventually closed down and relocated to bridge street.

    If the central station and custody suites was ok then why didnt the police remain in that building. my question is what would have piere done? would you have left the police and prisoners in custody suites to remain there and have a situation like what is going on with the Immigration office because of air quality issues? it is easy for piere to blame the last government but right now he has a clean slate to start from and complete this thing which will have no air quality issues. also i am curious to see what he will do with the mold infested central station

  2. They won’t build no schools anymore,they won’t build no hospitals. All they build will be…

  3. Wow PIP
    Another plaster ??? smh
    So where is the plan for the new police headquarters ???????

  4. I trust there will be a tendering process to take place…looking out for the EOI in the papers.


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