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Man Shot Dead In Babonneau, Woman Injured


Masked shooters fatally shot a teenage male Sunday night and injured a female in his company in Garrand, Babonneau.

Law enforcement sources have identified the deceased as Chris Volney, 19.

According to reports, he sustained multiple gunshot injuries and succumbed at the scene.

There are no further details at present.

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  1. The Criminqls Have Advance their Intellegence 100%.They execute their Mission Professionally .The Police Response Time to Incidents is Very Slow .The Emergency Vehicle /Ambulance arrive on the Scene before the police Most of the Time.At police Stations the Officers on Duty Must be in Uniform all Day long in order to Respond to Reports .These Criminal’s Should have been Delt with on the Spot.Police Stations Should Have police Officers Trained to Handle these Siruations .Not just Drive with the Beacon on the cab of the Vehicle Flashing indicating to the riminals that You on the way coming ??????????

  2. Masked gunmen! Will they ever be caught and brought to justice? What are we doing about these illegal guns? There needs to be a major deterrent.

  3. Pierre should cut the crap and make the whole of Saint Lucia an “Escalated Crime Zone”, just two words yes just two and the gun violence will be solved.

  4. The criminals killing people because they know if they get Caught they’ll be out before their dinner gets cold…Mr…Magistrate you keep giving bail to the criminals i hope if it ever come knocking on your door you still have the balls to give bail to them..

  5. “Like they get up in the morning and they pray, they say, ‘Bon Dieu, let them have some more crime so labour can pay’
    This is a statement made by our Prime Minister PJP on the market step, accusing the opposition UWP of praying for crime. Just him thinking of this, I am of the conviction that it was his doing while in opposition. 93.1 continuously pray for this country.

  6. @SHAKEMFH… that includes on the doors of the others also. As Bob Marley said “Who feels it knows it” please don’t get me wrong i am not asking for any harm to be inflicted on anyone it’s just that when the shoe is on the other foot we all react differently..

  7. Lucians you all crying. You all have more crying to do. When police take action you all balling human rights. Hypocrites.

  8. yes uh they want the government to take certain actions and the police also so they themselves can come back and say being too hard. if police start killing the criminals they crying


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