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King Provides Post-Bret Update, Reports ‘Relatively Minimal Damage’


Senior Minister for Infrastructure, Ports, Transport, Physical Development and Urban Renewal, Stephenson King, provided an update following the passage of Tropical Storm Bret, indicating that the system did ‘relatively minimal damage’ to infrastructure.

“I think we must thank God for his blessings last evening for the fact that we have had what I consider to be an easy passage of Tropical Storm Bret,” the Senior Minister said on Friday.

“Generally throughout the country, there seemed to be relatively minimal damage, if any at all,” the Castries North MP stated.

But he reported storm surges, fallen trees, and mudslides in some areas.

In addition, King disclosed that storm winds blew away some roofs in Castries.

His complete statement appears below:

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  1. This individual shouldn’t be given no flipping media publicity. One of the leeches in governance who is also grossly incompetent

  2. Employer, was he incompetent when he was in the camp of the UWP? Why didn’t declare that at this time? Because he moved away from corruption you are now talking. Show me a professional Liar and I will tell you who his friends are.

  3. But we did declared him incompetent, he was the worst PM every, he was the leader of the most corrupt government, all he had was his birth certificate. Now we employed him again. Show me a professional liar and I’ll show you who his friends are.

  4. A disgrace to me and a traitor have no trust in you, but for give u god is greater he spoke about people like you I trust in Jesus and not man be prepared for the coming of Jesus

  5. King Didn’t do no one Nothing They only Commented on His Lies as Usual. When it comes to Bending the Truth King is No.1.There are 100%More pot Holes Island Wide .I wonder whats His excuse now


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