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Two People Hospitalised After Vehicle Drives Over Precipice In Dennery


Emergency responders from the Dennery fire station transported two people to the OKEU Hospital on Tuesday after a vehicle drove over a precipice at Thomazo, Dennery.

The Dennery fire station received a call for help and discovered the driver and a female passenger were in the vehicle.

The passenger complained of severe body pain.

The emergency responders from the Dennery fire station said they received a call for help at about 6:30 am.

Headline photo: Screen grab from social media video.

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  1. mama Dennery again. I think Dennery is like Haiti too much evil going on there . some body must have invoked some evil spirit down there

  2. wat happen the devil sitting on a rock at the side of the road in dennery mun?? all of a sudden in dennery so??? father God remove the dark clouds over parts of this island please…..


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