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Pierre Out To Recoup Over $5 Million Spent For Undelivered COVID-19 Vaccines


Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre wants to recoup every outstanding penny from a previous arrangement with a private company to purchase 100,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines for the Government of Saint Lucia.

The Public Finance Act and the Finance (Administration) Act were contrived to ensure funds, assets and resources controlled by the Government of Saint Lucia are managed effectively and efficiently.

In April 2021, the Government of Saint Lucia paid the company $7 million for these COVID-19 vaccines.

To date, the company has not delivered any COVID-19 vaccines to the government and more than $5 million is still outstanding.

Diligent adherence to the guiding principles rooted in Saint Lucia’s long-established laws governing the management and handling of government resources can prevent loss and limit wastage.

Prime Minister Pierre has confirmed an audit into the arrangement has been completed and will be made public at the appropriate time.

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. It was a deal in which case the Reseller did not deliver the goods. It was always a known fact that the money would return to the state. Barbados and some other islands were caught with the same Reseller of Covid vaccines. As per the conditions, all monies will return to the state. Why is Pierre making this look as if he is working hard to get the money back to the state. This clown needs to stop insulting people’s intelligence with his none sense. The same crap he tried with the money from the Taiwanese. He gave the half truth and his expectation people will believe the money was mismanaged. He got caught with this one when the Taiwanese came out to tell the truth.

  2. A bunch of pots calling kettles black what a shame with these morons who doesn’t know their left foot from the right,

  3. @Misteef STOP YOUR CRAP. ! You are another moron trying to insult St Lucians intelligence. THEY STOLE THAT MONEY and St Lucia will be LUCKY to get a penny back. Call out Allan Chastanet MISMANAGEMENT for what it is another blight on his record. All bus driver who struggles everyday wishes upon a star to own the bus they are driving daily farles a Resort in Turks and Cacos.

  4. What nonsense. Is St Lucia becoming a comedy country? He has not stated how will he recoup this money. As far I understand the money will be refunded. He that clown Prime Minister will make it appear to the fools that he will recoup the money.

  5. What’s the unemployment rate now? Where the money you fool voters that you will pay them for COVID. Fool move deh.. move deh fool.

  6. @The Most Honorable Lucian Highgrade – your tactics will not work by calling people nick names. There are alot of intelligent people in SLU who did not pay attention to the politics in 2021. They realised what happened – they were fooled. Now everyone is paying attention and will debunk the Labour party with any lies. Did you see how they went no where with the Panama story. Now get on board and pay attention. We St.Lucians deserve nothing but the truth. Until then stay quiet

  7. I am not surprised that the professional liars from both political gangs (SLP/UWP) are out now in full force. Why, you ask?

    Their job is to take our gaze from the fact that they both fell for the Covid, then “vaccine” hoax played on them by their massa. St. Lucia’s two parties & the medical establishment were bribed into service, as the house n1gg@$ they are, to force a bio-weapon onto the very citizens whose welfare they claim to represent – the ultimate betrayal!


    Now, they want to convince St. Lucians to listen to the false narrative, that is, which of them is the lesser of the two evil traitors; however, the entities who bribed them must never be named (the very reason for bribery).

    But someone has the balls to expose the original criminals in this matter:


  8. Where was it said that the moniere will be returned to the state????please diectvme to this

  9. Great job PJP. Another report waiting to be released to the public. I waiting. Btw don’t forget the reports on ROCHAMEL, GRYNBERG, IMPACS, ST. JUDE’S too and the many others whiles u at it. Am waiting.

  10. @That fool Replication….in the words of the great Jim Mackay “the agony of defeat” it still sting and lingers and those “intelligent” people who did not pay any attention during the 2021 election will be enlightened once when the SLP wins again. I pay more taxes than you do, so I will never be quiet on how it was mismanaged and squandered by your White God Allan Chastanet. Stop trying to insult people intelligence by mixing oranges and apples to deflect from Allan Chastanet CHRONIC MISMANAGEMENT with unemployment money every promise that was made by Most Honorable PJP has been fulfilled or will be fulfill.. Go relish in your far-right nut case David Martin delusional narrative, this perfectly explains the indebt analysis to your system psychosis and daily psycho babbles you are drinking too much of their orange Kool aide

  11. Additionally, here is snippet of the conversation which establishes the motivation (aka the premeditation) for the criminal conspiracy to inject a bio-weapon into the world’s population. Every statement is backed up by documented evidence, as with the statements in the videos above. The full conversation has been censored on YouTube, but the first video above continues where the following video ends:


  12. Anonymous, why should you support corruption to that extent? Don’t you believe it is corruption to give so much money for free? Anyway the Motto of UWP is Lies and Corruption. Shoe me your leader and I will tell you who you are.

  13. Apart from the deal not being fulfilled, the deal itself was a corrupt deal concocted for self enrichment and thus depriving the country of outstanding resources. Here is my beef : SLU, BEAM and the BAHAMAS grouped together to get vaccines from a supplier, yet we paid over twice as much in advance as Barbados per hundred thousand of doses which they were to pay on receipt of the vaccines. Whether the millions of US dollars are recovered or not, the intent was to rob the treasury. Correct me if I am wrong!

  14. fact check get your facts right Barbados did not spend a cent on the vaccines you speak of. Your government was said to have paid out $10 million now I’m hearing its $7 million. The fact is no money came from Barbados for this scheme. Idiot don’t include Bim in your jackass nonsense.

  15. Check yourself SteppinFool. ! Beam would pay on receipt of the vaccine. No vaccine no money . We paid money but no vaccine. We paid 7.4 million US dollars upfront for three hundred doses of vaccine. Beam would have paid ten million for seven hundred doses after receiving theirs. None of the parties received any vaccine. Only SLU paid upfront. My bad @ SteppingWolf !


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