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Police Probe Fatal Shooting In Vieux Fort


Police have begun a probe into a fatal shooting on Commercial Street, Vieux Fort, on Friday.

The deceased appeared to be in his late teens or early twenties.

According to reports, he sustained gunshot injuries to his stomach and back.

Emergency personnel from the Vieux Fort Fire Station responded after learning of the incident at about 5:26 p.m.

However, the victim exhibited no vital signs.

There are no further details at present.

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  1. Seems the brief lull in the brutal killings was just too good to be true!! The agents of evil are committed to their task of destruction of this nation! May God deliver us from evil!

  2. I hope to hear from the PM. He credited the Police for something they did not do. Now that the killing has started, who does he blame for it now. This believe everyone is stupid. The tactic he used to win the election will not work now and it will never work again. He needs to come again. He might really get frustrated before one person can believe anything this guy says in public. He will never get the trust of the public again with is nonsense.

    This same PM is the minister of Security, he is quite away that nothing was done to even mitigate the problem. The police did implement any new strategy and of course nothing has changed but to show up and work from 9 – 5. The PM has the audacity to come and credit the police for delay in homicides. St. Lucia is in trouble with this guy called Pierre.

  3. That 25 days and lauding the Police was just an effort to gain back some of the votes from the police. Every speech, action initiative is about votes.

  4. Well its never a dull day in beautiful St Lucia. I took the PM’s comment with a huge grain of salt because yes we didn’t have any homicides in 25 days but there were over 10 attempts during that same period. Check St Jude’s and OKEU to ascertain the number of persons during these 25 days that were fighting for their lives due to stabbings and gunshot injuries. I will continue to lament that providing the police with more vehicles is not the solution. This is so 1985 and the PM needs to come out from under his rock and face reality.

  5. Its so sad that most of we St. lucians can only comment politically on crime issues. Let us be more thorough thinkers and get out of this habit disgust habit. We all can do better than this. Always a direct hit at the PM or opposition leader.

  6. We had 26 days without a homicide and people actually were complaining ONLY IN ST LUCIA UNBELIEVABLE. Before they hope and prey the trend continues they cuss the PM and bittled the efforts of law enforcement WELL THERE AS WE WERE DON’T COMPLAIN NOW FOOLS.


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