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WATCH: Fire Breaks Out In Unoccupied Castries Building


On Tuesday, firefighters battled a fire in an unoccupied building at Pavee, Castries, for over an hour before extinguishing it.

The incident occurred at around 8:15 pm.

The Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) responded with a fire truck and an ambulance after learning about the fire in the wooden and concrete house measuring about 51 ft. X 36 ft.

Building gutted by fire at Pavee, Castries.

No buildings were nearby to which the fire, whose cause is under investigation, posed a threat.

However, the fire department has noted responding to ‘quite a few’ abandoned building fires.

In some instances, vagrants are known to have moved into the buildings, started a fire to cook, left it unattended, and it raged out of control.

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  1. Do like everywhere else in the freaking world. Give notice to tear the building down or cut the overgrown weeds. Failure to do so, result in the city doing the task(s) for the owners. The city then put a lien on the property, which after a period of time, the city takes ownership. Boom! Problem solved.

  2. Poule foo you have jokes. This is St. Lucia. A circus masquerading as a country. Anyone who tries to do the right thing will be ridiculed. It’s the upside down.


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