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Saint Lucians Cautioned Against Spreading Respiratory Illnesses


The Ministry of Health has cautioned Saint Lucians against spreading respiratory illnesses amid the current flu season.

” To date, both respiratory syncytial virus and influenza type A have been isolated,” disclosed Medical Surveillance Officer Dr. Dana Gomez.

Gomez advised the public to maintain proper hand hygiene, wash their hands after coughing or sneezing, and wear a mask where possible in public places.

In addition, she encouraged people not to attend work or send sick children to school or daycare centres until symptoms disappear.

The recommendations included people with respiratory symptoms avoiding contact with people at higher risk of contracting severe illness, like infants, older people, and those immunocompromised.

Should flu-like symptoms worsen, the Health Ministry has advised citizens to consult a healthcare professional.

Headline photo courtesy

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  1. Where was that scientific advice in 2020? Instead those with symptoms or not, had to wear mask and social distance. Oh yeah, there was the science of A symptomatic, but not now. Not until WHO and CMO and all the other sycophants like the “trust the science” people start echoing under their false State of emergency to trust the science. Over a flu, the same flu we now dealing with like normal. What a joke!


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