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Police Emergency Numbers Restored


The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) has announced the restoration of its emergency numbers, 999 and 911, hours after disclosing on Friday that the numbers were temporarily unavailable.

“We are pleased to announce that the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force emergency numbers 999 and 911 have been restored and are now fully operational. The public can now use these numbers for emergencies,” a police release said.

The release thanked the public for their patience and apologised for any inconvenience.

It assured citizens of the police’s commitment to providing reliable and efficient service.

The earlier release announcing the temporary unavailability of the 999 and 911 emergency numbers had cited ‘unforeseen circumstances’, without going into detail.

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  1. Good job !!

    However, the fail over to such a critical system sucks. If someone in authority does not see something is wrong with the fail over system then we have a bigger problem. Imagine a list of numbers were given out in the absence of the 911 system – such a critical system. In this day and age we should have something in place which is seamless the the people.
    If this does not happen then SLU is in a situation where a “ disaster is waiting” to happen.


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