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Elmina Jacob Is 100 Years Old


Saint Lucia has joyously celebrated the remarkable milestone of Ms. Elmina Jacob, affectionately known as Ms. Nellia Marie Gerson, who turned 100 years old.

Born on January 31, 1924, to Ms. Ethel Gerson and Mr. Adam Jacob, Ms. Elmina is the third of seven children, with two living siblings.

Ms. Elmina has been a testament to inner strength and unwavering faith in God throughout her century-long journey.

She embraced life with courage, raising 13 children, including two sets of twins, eight alive today.

Her extended family includes 24 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren.

Despite facing profound losses, including the tragic death of her firstborn son at age nine, Ms. Elmina displayed resilience, never marrying but dedicating herself to the upbringing of her children and grandchildren.

Her cheerful spirit, positive attitude, and strong physical health have left an indelible mark on those who know her.

Ms. Elmina’s diverse work experiences in the sugar cane industry, farming, and housekeeping mirror her industrious spirit.

She actively participated in the Morne Fortune monument’s flower planting/beautification project, showcasing her commitment to community enhancement.

Fond of the Christmas season and singing La Rose Festival songs, Ms. Elmina was passionate about planting herbs and crafting healing syrups, generously supplying them to neighbors in need.

Her reputation as a community healer and a provider of postnatal medicines for women has left an enduring legacy.

Ms. Elmina is the Morne Fortune neighborhood matriarch, shaping countless lives with her warmth and love.

The Ministry of Equity, Social Justice and Empowerment extends heartfelt congratulations to Ms. Jacobs and her family on this extraordinary milestone, wishing her a joyous and blessed 100th birthday.

SOURCE: Ministry of Equity, Social Justice and Empowerment. Photo: Elmina Jacob on her 98th birthday.

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