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Crackdown Urged Against Irregular Vehicle Licence Plates


The Vice President of the National Association of Driving Schools (NADS), Kingson Jean, has urged the police, as the enforcers of law and order, to take a firm stand against vehicle licence plates that do not comply with the law.

The law dictates the size, colour and font for the plates.

However, Jean believes the police need to give the matter the attention it deserves.

“I see a lot of minibuses and taxis with number plates covered in plastic, making it hard to see the number, especially at night,” the NADS Vice President told the St. Lucia Times.

Jean also noted that some licence plates feature cursive lettering, making the writing illegible.

In this regard, the NADS official expressed concern that identifying the vehicle’s registration number would prove difficult in the event of a collision or a crime.

“I think the authorities should stop this from continuing because if you allow one person to do it, it will become a trend,” Jean told St. Lucia Times.

He also felt the need to ensure that individuals who make the vehicle licence plates adhere to what the law dictates.

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  1. This can’t be the same Jean who in the name of politics stopped both traffic lanes on the John Compton Highway during rush hour! No, it can’t Be!

  2. In addition to the the “Zeros” that are used for the alphabetic “o”….only in ST LUCIA …..SMH and there are also license plates that carry the number WOTH A ZERO AS THE FIRST NUMBER. This wasa gross error by Ministry of Communication and they need to RECALL ALL of those….

  3. Good job Mr. Jean..Keep it up!

    Don’t forget the dirty / scotched plates while the rest of the vehicle clean.

  4. The suitation in France now is out of hand and incontournables !
    They must be following parterns !!

  5. Unknown April 2, 2024 At 8:43 am You are the problem in this country. A citizen is pointing out deficiencies in the system yet you criticise the citizen as opposed to supporting fixing the problem. It is people like you that benefit from the lawlessness, disorder and criminality in this place. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!

  6. Most Lucians are defiant and have problems following rules and regulations. Hence the reason why most must remain in St. Lucia with their bad behavior.

  7. Certain things does go unhinged, it is allowed to become a norm and then you have to take chastises to correct the wrong. All numbers must be legible end of story. Similar like some buses, some computer buses are like cargo vans more so you carry full load at 11-4pm hot sunny day no AC nor proper window ventilator. The damage is done and become a hill to fix

  8. It is the same deficiencies in overall law enforcement which have emboldened criminals that puts us in the insecure state that we are in today. The problem exist and persist in all public sectors, whether it’s at Customs, BCF, Communications & Works, Price Control and Law Enforcement, just to name a few. The general attitude is, once my party is in power. I do as I please. There is no meaningful supervision and zero accountability. If those in the public sector would get promotion, pay raises and if their job retentions we based on performance, only then we would see a change . For now, as it has always been, all the above are based on political affiliations. This is why no matter the party in power things always remain the same and over time, gets worse.


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