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Gros Islet Vendors Association Honored


The Gros Islet Vendors Association (GIVA) is proud to announce that it has been recognized for its outstanding contribution to community development at the prestigious Saint Lucia Tourism Awards, known as “The Gimies.”

The award ceremony took place on Saturday, April 13th, 2024, at a gala event celebrating excellence in the tourism industry.

The Gros Islet Vendors Association, renowned for managing the iconic Gros Islet Friday Night Street Party, the longest-running street party in the Caribbean, received the esteemed award of special recognition for its tireless efforts in fostering community spirit, promoting local culture, and enhancing the tourism experience in Saint Lucia.

Since its inception, the Gros Islet Friday Night Street Party has been a beacon of cultural vibrancy, attracting locals and visitors alike to indulge in a night filled with music, dance, authentic cuisine, and the warmth of Saint Lucian hospitality.

Under the adept management of the Gros Islet Vendors Association, the event has grown from strength to strength, becoming a hallmark of Saint Lucia’s tourism offerings.

The Saint Lucia Tourism Awards, known as “The Gimies,” are an annual celebration organized by the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority to recognize excellence in various sectors of the tourism industry, including accommodations, attractions, tour operators, and community initiatives.

The awards serve as a platform to honour individuals and organizations that demonstrate outstanding service, innovation, and commitment to enhancing Saint Lucia’s tourism landscape.

As the Gros Islet Vendors Association continues to set the standard for community-led tourism initiatives, it remains dedicated to preserving the rich cultural heritage of Saint Lucia while creating memorable experiences for visitors from around the world.

For more information about the Gros Islet Vendors Association and the Gros Islet Friday Night Street Party, please visit

SOURCE: Gros Islet Vendors Association

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