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Qualifiers Announced For 2024 Soca & Calypso Monarch Finals

After a packed weekend of activities for Lucian Carnival, including the semi-finals of the Groovy & Power Soca, and Calypso Monarch; organizing agency, the Carnival Planning and Management Committee has announced the finalists for the 2024 Soca and Calypso Monarch Competitions.

The Groovy and Power Soca Monarch competition will be held on July 5, 2024, at the SAB, Vigie.

9 artistes in each category, have been selected to compete against reigning monarchs, Arthur Allain and Imran Nerdy for a chance to win the titles. Tickets are only $60. The qualifying artistes below are listed in alphabetical order and not indicative of scores.

Groovy Soca Qualifiers   Power Soca Qualifiers
# Artist Song Title   # Artist Song Title
1 Carlton CR Roberts Ah Happy   1 Bronxx, Mata, Ricky T Better Than Them
2 Ezra D’Funmachine Sèlibwèy   2 Ezra D’Funmachine BeYoutiful
3 Imran Nerdy Money   3 Kisha Kay, Nicole David  It’s Carnival
4 Jiggy & Ezra D’Funmachine Movè   4 Mantius Any Ting
5 Kisha Kay By Myself   5 Orion Good Day
6 Mantius Royal   6 Ricky T Look Something To Talk About
7 Ricky T Just your Turn   7 Sedale, Mata, Bronxx More Rum
8 Sly Damn Proud Lucian   8 Siah Money Behaviour
9 Ti Blacks Seasons   9 Sly Breakaway


The Calypso Monarch competition will be held on July 6, 2024, at the SAB, Vigie. 9 calypsonians been selected to compete against reigning monarch, Ti Blacks for a chance to win the Calypso Monarch title. Tickets are only $60. The qualifying calypsonians are listed below in alphabetical order and not indicative of scores.

Calypso Monarch Finalists
# Calypsonian Song Title Song Title
1 Dezral De Biggest Gun A Wish For Fish
2 Educator Youth Economy Vaccine For Crime
3 Gamtion Clone that Man White Lady
4 Herb Black Sing for Them Get Up And Walk
5 Menell One Vision One Caribbean Diary Of A Woman
6 Mica No Hearts Text Lingo
7 Solange Last Man Standing Fadda Facts
8 TC Brown Fillip De Spirit of St. Lucia
9 Ti Carro Don’t Play With A Minor Ah Doing It For Slavery


Tickets can be purchased from The Cell outlets island wide and Steve’s Barbershop in Castries.

For updates relating to all carnival competitions, visit or @carnivalsaintlucia on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

The CPMC wishes all artistes best of luck in the next round of the competition as they prepare for the Monarch.

SOURCE: Carnival Planning and Management Committee. PHOTO: Ti Blacks – reigning Calypso Monarch 

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  1. The best and most electrifying performer, with great lyrics and the best play on words didn’t make the finals. Is it because both of his songs were so critical of the Prime Minister. His rendition was flawless compared to Herb Black and even Educator in the second round. This is a clear indication that politics is still involved in the selection of finalists. Kakal should have been a finalist.

  2. This is very sad on every level – the participants put much effort and energy into their craft and it takes a lot. I don’t know any of them – but that is besides the point. Why would anyone get personal or offended for a song ?????? and deny a person who performed well their just due – give me break. Calypsonians all over the world sing about politics and issues within the land where they reside.

    I guess it really hit home – the reality is – IT IS WHAT IT IS. The truth will always prevail. I heard someone on video talking about the calypsonian and saying he should know better as a veteran in the business – I knew then the man’s performance was doomed – shame on the POLITICIAN INFLUENCE as well as the JUDGES – you all need to GET A LIFE FOR REAL. If you know you are doing a good job for your country as a politician what would you be bothered by a song ???????????? – GROW UP AND MAN UP.

    I left St. Lucia because of politics – I was not old enough to vote and HAD NEVER voted – however, I was denied a job for which I was qualified with the appropriate credentials SIMPLY because of my grand mother’s political affiliation – NOT MINE – BECAUSE I HAD NEVER VOTED AS STATED BEFORE.

    I took a test at the government building and while waiting in the waiting area after taking the test – I overheard the person who was in charge say – “she passed with flying colors – but I will not give her the job because her grand mother is a ????” – [she named the political party]

    I left St. Lucia shortly thereafter and have absolutely no desire to do anything there – in retrospect the woman did me a favor – why??? because what she meant for evil turned out for my good – but I still remember to this very day. I subsequently traveled abroad shortly thereafter and went on with the grace of GOD to do great things. I acquired much more education and credentials and now I am in leadership in the healthcare industry.


  3. With soca crowds getting dryer and dryer with a bunch of boring youths on their phones, an awesome artist like MNR would never make it. Alot of these young people don’t know how to support their own. Their attitudes demotivate the up and coming artists who actually have good music.

  4. Poor Jab Kakal. Morgue all over again. History of victimization.

    They praising the songs critical of the opposition but then castigating the messenger when the commentary does not favor their party. So much so even “reaching” to claim plagiarism only because the song doesn’t suit their party’s narrative. A 15-2 majority yet still doing all in their power to silence “viciously” any dissenting voices.

    That’s our democracy Saint Lucia!

  5. I am wondering why the world’s billionaires have not solved the hunger and starvation crisis in Ethiopia.


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