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Additional Medical Staff Deployed At St. Jude Hospital

The Ministry of Health, Wellness, and Elderly Affairs has taken decisive action to improve healthcare services at St. Jude’s Hospital, following an increased demand for medical attention in the Admissions and Emergency Room departments.

In response, the Ministry has deployed additional medical staff to meet the growing needs of the community and to ensure that quality care is provided efficiently.

Effective Saturday, October 18, 2024, the Ministry has engaged three additional physicians and six nurses to support the hospital’s operations.

This strategic move is designed to alleviate pressure on the hospital’s existing staff and to better serve the patients who rely on St. Jude’s Hospital for timely medical care.

Hon. Moses Jn. Baptiste, Minister for Health, Wellness, and Elderly Affairs expressed the government’s commitment to this initiative. “We understand the critical role St. Jude’s plays in serving our residents, particularly in the south. By increasing the number of physicians and nurses, we are not only expanding the hospital’s capacity but also enhancing the quality of care delivered. Our aim is to ensure that residents receive the healthcare services they need without unnecessary delays,” Minister Jn. Baptiste added.

This additional staffing initiative reflects the Ministry’s broader goal of improving healthcare access and delivery across the island.

In addition to the enhancements at St. Jude’s, the Ministry is actively addressing human resource challenges at the Owen King European Union (OKEU) Hospital.

The government has committed funds to hire more staff at both hospitals, further strengthening healthcare capacity at key medical facilities.

Minister Jn. Baptiste further highlighted the long-term impact of the staffing improvements. “The hiring of new staff at St. Jude’s and OKEU Hospitals marks a critical step in enhancing our national healthcare system. We remain committed to resolving these issues swiftly and efficiently, and we thank the public for their patience and cooperation as we work to deliver high quality healthcare services,” explained Minister for Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs, Hon. Moses Jn. Baptiste.

The Ministry of Health, Wellness, and Elderly Affairs remains committed to safeguarding the wellbeing of all citizens and will persist in enhancing the healthcare system to better serve every resident. We sincerely thank the public for their ongoing patience and cooperation as we work diligently to deliver timely and effective healthcare solutions.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health, Wellness, and Elderly Affairs 

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  1. Truth is the tourism season has started and they are expecting high tourist arrivals due to the 100m victory @paris and they need the hospital better equipped since it is the one that would carter for victims of plane crash etc

  2. We do welcome any additional staff in this time of crisis but why not tell us the truth.How many persons have left in recent times? Why not tell us that you all are only replacing the persons who have left which according to the PM left to seek greener pastures. Agencies from overseas comes right here to recuit our nurses and there’s nothing done about that but you talking about additional staff.Stop taking us for a ride

  3. I am not informed on the issue …having endure a long junior doctor’s strike . I hope the matter is resolved speedily. Any action which keeps medical practicioners nfrom carrying out their duties of caring for the sick has a negative impact upon on those most vulnerable to illness
    Jettison the egos and get the show on the road.
    Worse case Ministry of Health get some Doctors from Cuba to assist the process

  4. Thank You Mr. Minister. I hope the need was fulfilled. Do you know what the need was at the hospitals. were the need based on special doctors and you provided general doctors. Please, can you tell us the need so we understand what you are doing. Right now everything you do looks like a game of chess

  5. Let’s cut the BS, this is a FAILED Minister. Who is just reacting to every situation. Don’t try to fool us that these are additional staff. This is an attempt to replace those we have lost. Where is the resource Audit.

    The sheeple will never say it is hurting them. But let’s hear the excuses.

  6. Where are the additional staff from? How come additional staff had to be hired – where did the last set of staff go to? “Medical” staff don’t just materialise just like that …
    Sounds fishy to me, as the statements are vague and I see blurred lines.
    As @anonymous claims: “The sheeple will never say it is hurting them>”

  7. As a Venezuelan Anesthesiologist, with all my documents, in the office of the medical council refused to approve my papers, even legally have. During a year , everything was in order. Think they never had a Venezuelan medical doctor. Just want to help to get he Saint Lucian people. So have to get back to Venezuela


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