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Police Probe Suspected Suicide At Babonneau


Police are investigating a suspected suicide at Babonneau on Friday involving a 75-year-old man whose body was found hanging.

Investigators have identified the deceased as Torrence Isidore of Cacao, Babonneau.

The police received a report concerning the death at about 5:30 pm.

There are no further details at present.

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  1. Sad indeed. The only hope for Saint Lucia is a total return or turn to godliness, which will take care of the various issues and challenges of life including how we look out for each other, share, help, encourage and take care of one another.

  2. At that age he decide to kick the bucket even if life is hard for 80 percent of the people of st Lucia

  3. @ TRUTH…..
    The truth have been told many times before but it has not quite got to everyone to make a difference. That ‘Truth’ is something that shocks me almost everyday, that even at a time such as this, that there are those who should know better, deny the existence of an Almighty God. But we have one, and I know Him, the WORD of the only one God have volumes written of Him, for others to deny shows the depth that many have sunken in. But as it was written, “in the end times, many will depart from the faith” many too will deny Him.
    How sad must it has been for a loner to have fallen so deep in depression to take his own life. WHERE ARE THE DO GOODERS, WHERE ARE THE PASTORS?
    Shall we put down the gun and reach out to the Cross, show the love to our brothers and sisters, let peace and love reign.


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