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Five Dead In Plane Crash Off Guadeloupe

A massive search for a plane that crashed into the sea off the Coast of Les Saintes, Guadeloupe, located the aircraft on Saturday afternoon.

Local reports said that none of the five people on board when the aircraft took off the day before survived.

The plane, a Piper PA32, had left Les Saintes for Marie Galante.

But it disappeared from the radar Friday morning, around 10 a.m.

Search and rescue teams located the wreckage a few kilometers from the runway of the Terre de Haut aerodrome with the five bodies inside.


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  1. What about Cabot landing illegally a helicopter in cap estate, Friday night 5 pm?…..??…? What about Cabot having illegal pyrogenics fireworks facing over dry bush and houses in casenbas blasting out like warfare from the sacred site in casenbas last night and Cabot starting to jackhammer Sunday Morning before 8 pm jackhammering all day on Sunday till 2;:00? Where’s the water Wasco in cap estate? SmPH there should be charges laced out to Cabot for the helicopter landing illegal fireworks facing over the bush and private houses rather than out to sea and jackhammering on syunday before 8 am govt please address!,,,,,,,,!,,,,,,,,,smh woiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  2. These pipers are notorious for crashes, cheaper to acquire and they are leasing companies all over. Could it be weather factor, or mechanical failure? Sometimes a downward draft can also drop the piece a carbon fiber metal object out of the sky like a piece of rock, Not even Jesus can then stop that if it happens.


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