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Francisco Jn Pierre Replaces Doctor Ubaldus Raymond As Senator


New government Senator, Francisco Jn Pierre has said that he is at the service of the people.

Jn Pierre replaces former Senator, Doctor Ubaldus Raymond.

Raymond’s resignation was announced this week in the aftermath of a so called ‘Trini-gate’ scandal involving leaked audio tapes of at times salacious conversations with a female who has a distinctly Trinidadian accent.

Senator Jn Pierre would however not be drawn on the issue of the circumstances under which he was called to serve.

“The call for service has been sent to me so I gladly accepted the challenge when the Prime Minister asked me to serve as a Senator,” Jn Pierre explained.

He spoke to reporters as the Senate prepared for a meeting Tuesday.

Jn Pierre contested the last general elections and lost to the incumbent, Alva Baptiste, in his bid to represent the people of Laborie.

But he expressed the view that despite such a loss, someone can still play a role in national development.

“Not being an elected representative does not prevent you from taking part in the political life of your country,” he declared.

Jn Pierre is the father of Jadia Jn Pierre, a former press secretary of past Prime Minister Doctor Kenny Anthony of the Saint Lucia Labour Party.

Senator Mary Isaac has replaced Doctor Ubaldus Raymond as the leader of government business in the Senate.

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