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UWP Urges Pierre To Remove Stanley Felix As Senate President


The United Workers Party is appalled by news that President of the Senate Stanley Felix was arrested and is expected to be charged in relation to a major case being investigated by the Royal St. Lucia Police Force.

In light of this astounding development and the sensitivity of the position of President of the Senate, the United Workers Party calls on Prime Minister Philip J Pierre to immediately relieve Stanley Felix of that position in light of the pending charges expected to be laid today.

The vague statement put out from the Office of the Prime Minister, late in the day, when it was already public knowledge that Stanley Felix had been in police custody since 10 AM sheds little on what evidently is a very serious matter.

The United Workers Party sees this as another dark day in the history of St. Lucia, when the country is already battered by an increase in serious crime, particularly robberies and gun related homicides.

The United Workers Party further urges Prime Minister Philip J Pierre to rid his government of any unsavoury characters and criminal elements within his Cabinet in the interest of this country.

SOURCE: United Workers Party

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