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SLTU Demands Respect For Teachers In the Classroom


The Saint Lucia Teachers’ Union (SLTU) has demanded respect for teachers in the classroom during a rally on Sunday at Morne Coubaril, Soufriere.

“Teachers must be respected in the classroom,” SLTU President Don Howell told the event.

In his address, Howell reiterated that the Ministry of Education needs to be firm in addressing the issue of school discipline.

And Howell repeated earlier assertions that all options would remain open when the union deals with such school matters.

But while underscoring the need for respect, he observed that, sadly, teachers have to fight for it.

In this regard, Howell recalled no World Teachers’ Day message from the Ministry of Education.

“We had no tangible token of appreciation coming out of our employer – none, sadly,” Howell declared.

He said  for that reason, the SLTU, observing due process, wrote the Ministry of Education after meeting with officials there to indicate that teachers needed a token ‘for now.’

According to Howell, while there was much more that could be done, the least the Ministry could do was give teachers duty-free vehicle concessions.

“We deserve it,” he declared.

Headline photo: Don Howell


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