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Skerrit Warns SLP It Will ‘Grow Stale’ If It Fails To Deliver


Dominica Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has warned the ruling Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) of the consequences of not putting the people first and remaining faithful to its promises.

He was addressing the SLP’s annual delegates conference on Sunday in Micoud.

The Dominica Prime Minister observed that voting populations are saying very clearly, that political parties must not separate themselves from their people.

As a result, Skerrit, leader of his country since 2004, explained that faithfulness to the people builds trust, protects victory, and secures the future.

“Every politician has a political shelf life or expiry date. Let this man of long-standing caution you, that if you do not put the people first, if you do not deliver, you will quickly grow stale. And you will find that those who welcomed you with cheers will, just as easily, send you on your way with jeers,” he observed.

In this regard, Skerrit explained that the SLP, like all other political parties, has a limited time to deliver on its promises, fulfill its mandate and create its legacy.

“Believe me when I tell you that the time passes very quickly. One year has flown by, and four more will come fast behind the first one,” the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) leader told his audience.

“If you are putting your people first, then their business becomes your business. When you fail to do this, you will find that the people will withdraw the warm welcome they have given you,” he cautioned.

In addition, Skerrit had advice for Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre.

(L to R) Roosevelt Skerrit and Philip J. Pierre

He said that despite the strong cabinet and the nation’s goodwill, Pierre’s walk would be lonely as he seeks solutions to significant development challenges.

Nevertheless, Skerrit urged Pierre to always put the people first.

“In your case, my brother, your challenge is particularly great because you have come to office during what many would argue is one of the most perilous periods in the Caribbean and global history. All eyes are on you, my friend, to formulate the new vision and to drive its fulfillment in the national interest,” he stated.

Photos courtesy Marius Modeste

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