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Saint Lucia Gets Three More Smart Classrooms From The Government Of Taiwan


The government of Taiwan, through its ICT in education project, has handed over three more smart classrooms to secondary schools to experience teaching and learning in a new and exciting manner.

Danielle Du Bois has the details.

SOURCE: Ministry of Education

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  1. I hope they are not garbage like the smart school built in Micoud by the incompetent consultation facilitated by a certain project coordinator. After years of wasted money facilitating an inefficient consultant why is this person still there?

  2. Hon Minister of Education can you please assist in the creation of a smart administration in the department of nursing at SALCC. We the students need an administration that can appreciate us as women who want to make a meaningful contribution to our society. Thank you.

  3. Thank you so much Taiwan for bringing the windows of the world to St. Lucia and for being such a pivotal force in development and future developments.🙏🏽🇱🇨
    Where is all the support from all the other embassy’s in St. Lucia with these fabulous houses you get to stay in please step up your generosity now for the future of St. Lucia,the youth!.

  4. This baffles me too Peter…its like dem people untouchable….sadly st judes is distracting lucians from seeing the daylight robberies associated with this project. On another note…I would like the Taiwanese to pay a visit to those classrooms 1 year from now to see their deplorable states.


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