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WATCH: Saint Lucia To Raise Age For Compulsory Driving Test For Seniors


An amendment to a section of the Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic Act was tabled before the House of Parliament this week.

The amendment seeks to raise the age for a compulsory driving examination for Senior Citizens from age 70 to 75.

We get the details in this report from the Ministry of Infrastructure, Ports, Transport, Physical Development and Urban Renewal.


SOURCE: Ministry of Infrastructure, Ports, Transport, Physical Development and Urban Renewal.

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  1. SMH. Another rule or law change not based on any data, I didnt hear King give any figures. I am not fooled. Kenny is about to turn 70 and some of your Labour top brass colleagues. They don’t want to do the test or pay any money so they told u to amend it for them. Smh. Anyone who believes this nonsense u said needs their level of IQ tested. So many problems with the ACT and on our roads this is what u all go to the house to amend. SMH.

  2. Am not sure how many people at that age driving home but I agree with the idea. I also think we should penalised the dangerous drivers back home with all these fetal accidents happening back home.

  3. The administration in the department of nursing need to be more student oriented. We as students need a better mentor. One who empathetic and respects women.

  4. Leave tHe 70+ age group alone, and focus on the young hot heads (18 – 35) who terrorise the roads. Make THEM take a defensive driving course every five years or so. These young drivers do not even acknowledge a pedestrian crossing or know how to use the indicators on their vehicles … Including a host of other failures in driving on their part.

  5. I guess the persons responsible for the change are all getting to that age so they are in fact clearing the way for themselves. No one thought of that before until it was about to hit home

  6. What I am interested in is the $50 the Department collects in the guise of an eye test when as a senior you’ve done all the necessary tests.
    The money is collected and the officers have the gall to tell you there is no one to do the test but you do get the license and the $50 stays with the Dept.?!!!


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