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WATCH: Work To Begin Soon On The Sir Julian Hunte Highway


Work will soon commence on the Sir Julian Hunte Highway, formerly the Castries-Gros Islet Highway reconstruction very soon.

This disclosure was made by Senior Minister and Minister with responsibility for Infrastructure, Ports, Transport, Physical Development and Urban Renewal, Hon. Stephenson King.

Miguel Fevrier of the Department of Infrastructure provides the details in the following report.

SOURCE: Department of Infrastructure


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  1. If only a new and healthy road can be paved for the student nurses at SALCC. The administration of that department is deliberately creating volcanic eruptions in our academic path to success. Why are we as women being treated in such a degrading manner by the administration of that department? Why can’t the authorities assist? Is the administration of the department of nursing the law of SALCC?

  2. Student Nurse is calling for support guys.. lets get to the core of this and expose the culprit who is wickedly undermining our medical profession. Who is in?

  3. Brazil [1]
    France [2]
    Mexico [3]
    Republic of China (Taiwan)
    United Kingdom [4]
    Embassy’s in St Lucia! Taiwan is the only one we are hearing about gifting and truely assisting this island. Embassy’s for the benefits you are receiving for being Lucian Diplomats…. Where is you’re assistance other than Taiwan 🇹🇼 Thank you again Taiwan you have made substantial and incredible progress on this island from your nurseries and planting of fruit trees too the gifting of so many smart classrooms.

  4. Thank God I have lived to hear that news, and I will live to see it done. The former uwp bastards who should never be returned to governance here, made a mess of everything we knew as good descent and normal. That Goes islet highway is needed more than anything here. Thank God for this slp


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