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WATCH: Saint Lucia’s Protective Services Get Drone Piloting Training


The  National Emergency Management Organiation (NEMO)  facilitated a four-week drone piloting training exercise with members of Saint Lucia’s protective services.

More from Rehani Isidore:

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. Very good initiative. Can we please have some degree of surveillance in the Nursing Department at SALCC. We as students believe that irrespective of behavior the management of the department of nursing has immunity from disciplinary action. Why? Please help. We as women deserve respect and kindness.

  2. Please somebody help this student nurse. It’s obvious something off is brewing at that school… lucia times where are your investigative journalists??????

  3. Student nurse you’re doing some wonderful PR on your issues. Don’t know what they are but I sure know they do exist. Hope it gets resolved.

  4. Investigative journalists? We don’t even have journalists on the island. It’s the same five news stories these storytellers repeat in the news every year.

    No one ever ask what happened to the container load of drugs that Courts imported into the island. We just there buying and helping Courts launder their money while their business never made a profit while simultaneously ruining the Cimpex business brand.

  5. Student nurse , sur haut! Stop coming on every serious news item to talk about your dirty srubs and face mask! Sackway eneetil! Bon jounen Kweyol!


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