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Philippines: Student ‘Anti-Cheating’ Exam Hats Go Viral


Images of students wearing so-called “anti-cheating hats” during college exams have gone viral on social media in the Philippines, sparking amusement.

Students at one college in Legazpi City were asked to wear headgear that would prevent them peeking at others’ papers.

Many responded by creating homemade contraptions out of cardboard, egg boxes and other recycled materials.

Their tutor told the BBC she had been looking for a “fun way” to ensure “integrity and honesty” in her classes.

Mary Joy Mandane-Ortiz, a professor of mechanical engineering at Bicol University College of Engineering, said the idea had been “really effective”.

It was implemented for recent mid-term exams, which were sat by hundreds of students at the college in the third week of October.

Prof Mandane-Ortiz said her initial request had been for students to make a “simple” design out of paper.

She was inspired by a technique reportedly used in Thailand some years previously.

In 2013, an image went viral appearing to show a room of university students in Bangkok taking test papers while wearing “ear flaps” – sheets of paper stuck to either side of their head to obscure their vision.


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  1. it’s school it’s supposed to be a learning experience yet fun…some of you i cant understand why you are so against certain school activities……and the same children and teachers you guys wana condemn… if wat politicians so are right??? ok then no wonder we are the chicken and rum vote society


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