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NGP Congratulates Descartes-Pelius, Says She Faces ‘A Daunting Task’


The National Green Party (NGP) has congratulated Crusita Descartes-Pelius on her recent appointment as Acting Police Commissioner.

“On behalf of our party and the executive members, we would like to congratulate our new Commissioner of Police – a daunting task, to say the least, Madam Commissioner,” NGP leader Andre ‘Pancho’ de Caires stated.

He told St Lucia Times that Descartes-Pelius had taken office during a high crime period.

“We are going through many experiences in terms of criminality from the lowest levels to the highest levels,” he observed.

Nevertheless, de Caires said the NGP would support all efforts to bring crime under control.

But he noted that the NGP does not support capital punishment as a green party, although he knows that many countries are returning to judicial executions.

“We don’t believe in capital punishment,” the NGP leader explained.

As a result, he noted the need to find means to alter personalities and remove criminality from people’s minds.

The NGP leader declared that the job of the new Acting Police Commissioner would be challenging.

However, he said Descartes-Pelius has the NGP’s support.

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  1. Hon Leader NGP. We admire your courage. Can you please assist us as students nurses of SALCC. We are being mentally, emotionally and financially oppression by the administration of the department of nursing at SALCC. We are really stressed out . Please help us please.

  2. A good place to start is in the Cabinet 0f the Government of St. Lucia. The U.S. once denied R.F. a VISA it is public knowledge and you don’t have to dig too deep. Guess who is forefront in prosecuting the opposition leader? the one who should be answering for his dark dealings in many respects – but time will tell – as there is a God above He will bring the truth to light.


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