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“He Was Scared Of Dying!”

The mother of a 44-year-old man, one of two males killed in a shooting incident in Ciceron, Castries, on Tuesday night, says her son was afraid to die.

Deborah Doseite spoke to reporters on Wednesday morning, hours after her son Simeon Cetoute and another man identified as Timothy Gilbert died in a hail of gunfire.

Two other men sustained gunshot injuries, and emergency responders from the Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) transported them to the OKEU Hospital.

Deborah Doseite said sometime after 7:00 pm on Tuesday, she received news that her son, Simeon Cetoute, had been killed in a drive-by shooting.

Deborah Doseite

“I did not go because I suffering with pressure. I did not want my pressure to go up,” Doseite explained.

“My son, I wouldn’t say he was an angel because everybody has their faults. But he was nice to everybody,” the mother told reporters.

She said she last saw the deceased on Tuesday morning when he assisted her in hanging out some clothing.

And Doseite called for an end to the gun violence plaguing Saint Lucia.

“Stop it because there is a judgement day, and God will come for them. God will deal with them,” the mother said regarding perpetrators of violent crime.

Headline photo: Simeon Cetoute – Deceased

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  1. Not End to gun Violence is Surrender all illegal Fitearms.I am Sure if the Police Investigators get to the Bottom of this many persons will be arrested .Too many Homicides Going unsolved in St.Lucia

  2. “I wouldn’t say he was an angel because everybody has their faults. But he was nice to everybody”. The usual refrain of a mother who knew their child was a devil but wants to make him seem “good”. Any way miss, accept my condolences.

  3. I place the blame squarely at the feet of the prime minister and government of Saint Lucia because the government’s first priority is to protect the citizens of the country but they provide no answers or options to the scourge of Crime at the moment. It’s either a killing a day, or a robbery a day or a shooting a day. And you hear nothing substantial from the government or the authorities… Mark my words, your poor leadership has destroyed Saint Lucia and a country Mr Prime Minister and there will be a huge cost to pay for that failed leadership. I have seen my country go down the drain and yet the authorities sit on their worthless. *** doing nothing but score political points…. Lucians you get the party you deserve… judge for yourselves as the evidence is right before your very eyes….you should be protesting, and demanding better accountability from the authorities….

  4. When will that killing stop in st Lucia,no end to gun violence to many unsolved mysteries put back the hangman rope I am feeling sorry for the families, especially the mother’s, this is very hard Lord put a hand over st Lucia

  5. Well if he had Netflix he wouldn’t be by the road/block…That was the answer the current deputy PM said when he was in opposition.The Helen of the Wild Wild West has gone to the gutters…There seems to be no more law.

  6. That’s true but don’t mind that he was not a bad boy like robbing and killing people he was a irie fella I knew him

  7. That’s true but don’t mind that he was not a bad boy like robbing and killing people he was a irie fella I knew him

  8. If we train our children in the way of God, they will grow up with morals and values which set them apart to stand out. I raise my children to know God. We need more prayers in school as well and at work. This country is bleeding because of witchcraft and evil. It’s getting out of hand. People let’s pray

  9. Wtph is this? Why u got to take out the Ras? An also breaking into the Rastafarian Center, just terrible wake the phock up and stop this selfish aimless stupidity! Madame Commisioner please Expediate your Raids every area all of the island at once and at 1 time!.smph

  10. You are not making any sense, the blame needs to be placed on the people committing the crime, also the supporters of them, the people hiding the firearms etc. Start blaming parents who did not raise their kids properly, the bad apples, governments cannot stop crime only criminals can!!!!

  11. Majority of those who are gunned down their mothers never tell us of their profession which makes one believe that when they say “he is a good boy” one has to roll their eyes and wonder.
    Reporter: Tell me about your son.
    Mother: He was a good boy to me but he had his ways.
    Never, he was employed with this company for such years. He is a great singer, sang at the church or clubs a carpenter or mason a great footballer or good at cooking or something like that. Makes us wonder majority are thugs that normally do not have a descent job and unemployed lazing around.

  12. At this point the ppl who manufacture guns is going to have to manufacture something that detects only guns..the gun could be hidden 20ft deep it will find it,we need one only for st Lucia because those ***holes really showing ppl how guns are use like it’s nothing much…wtf is wrong with url now..if I was the head hanging ppl wud be a joke too from tym I catch u for senseless murder u hanging onetime

  13. Don’t be ridiculous…when the criminals have waged war on the law abiding citizens, the government must step in…at the moment it appears the government has given free reign for criminals to do as they please…it’s the government that is the judge, jury and executioner and by extension should do the biding of the people who elected them…the current situation has long been out of hand and it’s time for escalating this to the next level… criminals won’t put down their guns willingly…u can blame parents who don’t raise their kids properly but the situation as it stands, is already too late….so don’t be ridiculous… government has to step in …

  14. So sad to hear of your passing. I’ll really miss you. No more messages. No more ” come and do this for me” RIP my friend

    The Law has to change; bring back the Noose and the LOLO-BEFF;
    Start by whipping some azzes – once going in and coming out of Jail; they’ll know how it feels committing crime. But see who you have in Govt. they wont do a thing to rock that failed boat. Some may shack their deads, but there’s a God above; you reap what you sow.

  16. The causes of crime are manifold including bad parenting, staying silent, lack of opportunities lack of gun control, and poor governance among other things. With the situation as it stands now though, the Government must truly get serious. If they need more resources, they need to allocate funds towards that first and foremost, not worry about new attractions and accommodation for tourists. Honeymooners?! They won’t be coming when they know what’s really going on in this country. Too many young men dying, and others lost to criminal activities. Families hurting. I cry for this island.

  17. Gasa shut ur ass with that stupid comment u making wtf deman come from an purchase his bread for dinner if u didn’t know so shut the **** up

  18. It is true that Policing now and before is different, that seems to be the view of the present crop of Police Officers who are more academically inclined some of them are holding PhDs, doctorates and Bachelor degrees in various subjects. We are yet to see the type of Police work that used to be undertaken by Police Officers in the past with a simple six standard certificate, they were very successful in detecting crimes and protecting the citizens of this country without the academic qualifications that our present crop of Officers possesses. One would wonder why our officers are so devoid of knowledge of Policing despite the fact that they are equipped with new technologies including computers, communication devices, more vehicles and man power yet they are ineffective in solving the serious crimes including Robberies and murders that are committed on the Island. What is the motivation of the new breed of cops? What does the oath of Office mean to them? The motivation of the past officers was to ensure that law and order prevail in the country and their area of responsibilities were crime free, to detect immediately crimes committed in their Division, district or station areas without fail. We remember our past Police Officers who were committed and dedicated in doing the Police work and solving the crimes. It appears that our new breed of Officers have dropped the ball and the criminals have taken over. The constant search at the homes of persons suspected to have arms, ammunition and stolen properties in their possession would be undertaken by the CID recovery squad, the mobile and foot patrols in the town and urbans areas had to be done, the stop and search of idlers on the blocks, the arrest of persons for unlawful fighting, obscene or insulting words in public, these are the actions that were taken against law breakers which controlled criminality on the Island. Rudy Juliannie controlled criminality in New York by taking action against persons for minor offences and had the harden criminals running out of New York, we can do the same here. The Laws are on the books it just needs enforcement.

  19. There seems to be alot of corruption in the police force. We need to fix Boys Training Center and BCF. They seem to be a Training ground for criminals no reform programs seem to be effective there. The guards are they doing their jobs? Why do the inmates have so many contraband like a smart phone? Harsher punishments for these heartless perpetrators.

  20. RIP my were truly a
    great and jovial individual,never saw or know you to be in any nonsense. We will miss you.

  21. @ ma Malay
    You are correct. I knew him as well for many years and I have never heard him to be in any crime…at one point he would go around selling honey in town.

  22. Does anyone forget that St.lucia NO longer loves, respects, fear and worship THE ALMIGHTY? or is it just me? Has anyone with half a brain realizes that no police, no government can save you. nuff said! When jordans, cell phones, clothes that only cover piont 2% of you body, tattoos, 10 cars, lashes etc becomes your god, then people this is what your society will become.

  23. I live in a city of 2 million people.
    There are unemployed and homeless folk who we are attempting to help with housing and care.
    We have fewer murders than St.Lucia with only 164,000 people in the entire island.
    Education is the answer. Employment, even if it is government sponsored is better than allowing these young men to simply “hang with friends”, and smoke weed.

    Perhaps instead of employing more police, a few social workers would be a better investment.
    Helping young single mothers to support their children with education tools so they can grow up to be productive citizens.
    Ignoring the fact that their sons are selling drugs and involved with gangs only exacerbates the problem.

  24. “The LORD will roar from on high and roar mightly this land.
    For the LORD will bring charges mightly against the nation ;he will bring ⚖️ Judgement against all mankind and put the wicked to the 🗡️ Sword, declares the LORD.
    GOD : “To what Can I compare this generation ? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others.
    Your eyes are too PURE to look on 😈evil ; you cannot tolerate wrong ; you have made men like fish in the sea,like creatures that have no ruler.


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