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Sir Michael Chastanet Says Saint Lucia PM Has Tough Road Ahead


Well-known Saint Lucian entrepreneur Sir Michael Chastanet, asserting that the world is currently in chaos, has declared that Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre has a tough road ahead.

Sir Michael pointed to the war in Ukraine, European problems, a predicted recession in the United States, three Prime Ministers taking office within a short time in the UK, and global food price increases among the world’s problems.

“Right now, it is very difficult and I think Philip Pierre has a tough road ahead of him – a very, very tough road. He must be under tremendous stress,” Chastanet declared.

He spoke during an appearance on the DBS Television programme – Newsmaker Live.

Asked by Host Timothy Poleon whether he sympathised with Pierre, Sir Michael, whose son Allen Chastanet is the current leader of the opposition, responded in the affirmative.

The younger Chastanet led the incumbent United Workers Party (UWP) into a massive defeat at the July 26, 2021, general elections.

The UWP managed to hold on to only two of the party’s eleven seats in the 17-seat House of Assembly.

But Sir Michael indicated that he was not altogether unhappy that his son lost at the polls.

“In some ways, I am happy Allen didn’t win the elections because what is going on now,” he stated.

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  1. Sir you’re not the only one, Cabot has been a nightmare of construction NOISE, Honking and dust for over 3 1/2 years nonstop disruptions and disturbances and no access yet from casenbas to donkey beach!? Wasn’t that part of new govt arrangement free access 24-7 to secret and donkey beach + for Locals of every race ,creed, color and social status! Smph

  2. haa that is the thing i was saying but i just didnt know how to put the words to say it. I am glad that uwp lost cause everyone was on their backs saying they are not doing a good job and was often criticized i am glad they dont have to go through the things that are happening in the world right now so let SLP take all the heat cause they and people thought they could and would do better.

  3. Well after your son’s 5 years of syphoning our Treasure I think all the other issues you mentioned are pale in comparison.

    No wonder you never wanted him near your businesses.

  4. Not only St. Lucia, Sir. The whole world has a tough road. Live within our means in a small economy.

  5. Sir Mike, you made some very good observations; what most people don’t realize is, Putin is not going to back down; if he dose, his Generals will replace him and he knows that. It will be nasty in Europe, the U.S. and Canada knows it.
    For those international business dwarfs who have no knowledge or practice in big business, it dosen’t take much for a good talker, used to doing just that to come and snow you with promises. See also who you have, ‘he who knows not and knows not he knows not’ was once a P.M. still wants to be relevant but sticks out as a sore Thumb. There will I hope for the sake of the good people of St. Lucia, our Heavenly Father will have Mercy on all.

  6. Khalid… You don’t have to be irresponsible to be SLP. Stop your nonsense about Chastnet syphoned the country’s money. Speak intelligently if you are on this platform… Right now you sound like an idiot…


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