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WATCH: Pierre Discusses Opportunities In Agriculture For The Differently-Abled


Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre continues to explore additional avenues to lend support to Saint Lucia’s differently-abled population.

On October 21, Hon. Pierre held an audience with officials representing the Farmers with Disabilities Bee Keeping Association.

Discussions centered on proposals that seek to create new mechanisms that can increase participation by the island’s differently-abled population in the local farming and beekeeping sectors.

Rehani Isidore tells us more:

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. Great initiative Hon PM. Nevertheless, our future nurses must not be forgotten. We as students nurses of the department of nursing at SALCC are of the view that we are being neglected by the relevant authorities. Oppression can be considered synonymous with the administration of the department of nursing. We are certainly not cared for in that department. The is no love and empathy from the administration of the department of nursing. As have been said time and time again the department of nursing is a for profit business. Hence, the nursing administration is only concern about our pockets. Therefore, once we can not satisfy that obligation in full, we are being deprived of an education by the push of a button from the department’s administration. In my opinion profit is the pledge the department of nursing at SALCC. Quality nursing is definitely not the priority. Please Hon PM, please assist us. Thank you.


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