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Work On The Original St. Jude Hospital Construction Site Set To Resume

Construction on the original St. Jude Hospital Construction site resumes on November 1, 2022 after six years of inactivity.
The former Administration halted construction in 2016. Subsequent technical audits and reviews on the St. Jude Hospital Reconstruction Construction Project, including a XCD $900,000 audit commissioned by the former Administration, concluded construction work was nearly 80% completed when the project was arbitrarily stopped.
An independent technical committee, appointed last August, was tasked with assessing both Phases of the St. Jude Hospital Construction project. The committee’s report concluded construction on Phase I [the original construction site] could have been completed as early as 2017.

Guided by the recommendations from multiple technical audits and reviews on the St. Jude Hospital Construction Project, Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre has honoured his commitment to Saint Lucia and has actioned the most prudent, safest and immediate option to deliver the St. Jude Hospital to the people of Saint Lucia.

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. Can you imagine that no visionary pjp..and why you living in a nice house shame on you and Kenny Anthony I’m a laborian sick to my stomach..God will deliver st lucia from wickedness

  2. Pierre continue the new hospital, you’re making an ass of yourself, if you get sick you would fly to Barbados or America, you don’t care about the South, you’re so right, you leaned from the best Kenny Anthony, 25 years in Vfort and have nothing to show for it, God will soon take him away, and you will be next, you guys are wicked people, Satan is awaiting all of you all, especially King the cobra, he’s worse than Judas, he will soon hang himself like Judas with the help of Richard Frederick a bully, and Ernest Heliar is a tax collector like the old time Romans, stealing money for himself, but like my mother used to say, every rope has an End, and yours is just around the corner, cannot wait to read Michael Holding second book about you putting money away for yourself, you all are bloody crooks. Our airport in Vfort will soon put a stop for the money it’s bringing in.

  3. Yeeeeeeeah ! Another feather in your hat Most Honorable. Just do your thing Boss and deliver for the people and stakeholders. So many donations were raised and the Yellow Johncrows stop everything, the Coolie spent one million EC on assessments, they started a new wing and COULD NOT FINISH IT just the bare walls standing, but the left their LEAGACY up the road A RACETRACK that has not made one dollar for the State to date, just bush over there. All the farmers who were displaced because of Chastanet and that teefing Coolie go and TIE YOUR COWS OVER THERE, not one yellow clown is sent there to debush the place. Most Honorable turn it into a entertainment Center or build the much-needed St Lucia School of Agriculture Research and Technology over there.

  4. So what has awaken you/or should I say disturbed you on the eve of great thunders/ it never fails to amuse me when things were quiet, then all in a sudden Boom.
    My Dear P.M. you have been in St. Lucia politics a long time, I think twenty years, representing Marchand, but I must warn you, in politics today nothing is sacred, no one is safe; don’t take that as a threat to me you’re a nice guy, but look around you – very strange bedfellows – don’t wink but pray and believe in the Almighty.

  5. Hahahahahaha! UWP and crazy Chas ka toufé! St. Judes will be completed . . . Yes, it will. Thank you Mr. PM.

  6. The lies. 🤔 you rather have st lucians in an unsafe old building to protect your ego mr pm. Shame shame shame

  7. My ONLY concern is that the new hospital will be up to A HOSPITAL BUILDING CODE!! That is all I care about … wide double swinging doors, wide corridors to accommodate guernies, and other MOBILE hospital equipment. Sanitation, in/out mobility, SAFETY and comfort are key.

    Please do not make this a political issue, but A NATIONALITY deliverance.

  8. ” … Guided by the recommendations from multiple technical audits and reviews on the St. Jude Hospital Construction Project, Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre has honoured his commitment to Saint Lucia and has actioned the most prudent, safest and immediate option to deliver the St. Jude Hospital to the people of Saint Lucia …”

    WHEN? WHEN? WHEN? Note well readers – no time frame was given!! 6 months? 2 years? WHEN?? ALWAYS read between the lines, and dig up the surface, readers – and DIG DEEP into the “Reports”.

  9. If the audit report is the center of this debacle, why doesnt someone request/sue the government to release a redacted copy of the report ?


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