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‘Enough Is Enough!’ Chastanet Urges Support For ‘People’s Protest’


Opposition leader Allen Chastanet has urged support for ‘the people’s protest’ on Tuesday, November 1, from 8:30 am at Derek Walcott Square.

“Join the People’s Protest,” the former Prime Minister wrote on Facebook ahead of the planned activity.

“Over the past year, we have witnessed a Government that has continuously abused its power and continues to operate with no transparency,” the Micoud South MP asserted.

In addition, Chastanet observed that the government had allowed the cost of fuel, cooking gas, bus fares, and electricity to increase dramatically without providing any support.

He called attention to a government with the Prime Minister, who is also the Minister for National Security, that has allowed crime to get out and uses the excuse that “I’m not a police officer.”

“A government that is selling key national assets like port Castries, Soufriere waterfront, and the airport without a care in the world. A government that promised to make the completion of St Jude Hospital a priority but one year later, nothing has happened,” the United Workers Party (UWP) leader declared.

“Enough is Enough,” Chastanet declared.

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  1. Enough is enough with the selling of our patrimony to Cabot Canadians 350+ acres in cap estate is it? Smph and DSH a third of Vieufort to Egyptians! Our Piton land to a Canadian dollar store owner smphhhhhh , this administration is tryin to give back to the people, allowed vendors back on the streets an in town, yes the roads may be a bit sheety but things are getting done!. The people are being given priority not just a few people right SLP!.

  2. The same Cabot used to praise as an acheivement by the SLP right ? The same Cabot youll went advertising as a great success in Dubai too right ? Roads ” maybe a bit shitty “…..???? A bit shitty…lololol it obvious you dont own a vehicle at all.

  3. However lots of vendors are still complaining about neglect and having to vend in poor conditions given to them by SLP. I guess you are also ok with the high prices island as well.

  4. This is political malpractice on behalf of the former PM. There is not much this govt can do to reduce fuel and energy cost. This is a global issue. St.Lucia depends on foreign investments to create employment and stimulate the economy. This protest makes no sense.

  5. The protest was a dismal failure just as Crazy Chas. Bwahahaha! He must be Shi77ing in his pants all now so.

  6. I don’t know what Chas is expecting at his impromptu so called peaceful demonstration. To think that people will leave their jobs, earning their hard fought for daily bread, to come and picket in the boulevard or wherever Chas deemed picketable. In any case, it’s the people’s right to protest if they so feel the need to…but Chas, remember when the boot is on the other foot, you too will be held accountable for not putting the people first…

  7. Lucians need to come out. I for one head of the line. But come out or not. lucians vote people out on the day. And they will vote SLP out for sure. to much nastyness in that party. criminal galore. deal with the devil. get tainted by it. forever. recall the wilderness days of labour. they will be back there when the UWP smart enough to do the right thing


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