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Vehicle E-Services To Be Available Soon On DigiGov Platform

As the Government of Saint Lucia continues to modernise the services offered to the public, the Division of Transport in collaboration with the Division of Public Sector Modernization is pleased to announce that vehicle e-services will soon be available on the digiGov platform  (

The range of services includes:

  • Registration of new vehicle and de-registration of vehicles
  • Renewal of vehicle registration
  • Taxi permits
  • Fleet licensing
  • Personalised plates
  • Change of information
  • Transfer of ownership
  • Vehicle information
  • Importation of Left-hand drive vehicles
  • Visitor permits
  • Route permit applications

In light of that, Government has begun engaging key stakeholders within the Transport Services sector.

The first of several stakeholder engagements will be held on Wednesday, November 2nd 2022, with the following key stakeholder groups: Car Dealers, Rental companies, Driving Schools and Public Transport Providers.

 The general public is advised to look out for public service announcements and press releases relating to the latest updates on the deployment of vehicle e-services.

Please follow us on our social media platforms (digiGov SLU: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) to get updates on the launch of Transport’s vehicle e-services. We will also be releasing explainer videos on how to utilize the platform on our social sites.

SOURCE: Ministry of Infrastructure, Ports, Transport, Physical Development and Urban Renewal

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