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Father Of Homicide Victim Says Saint Lucia Becoming ‘ Like A Cemetery’

Concerned about the frequency of deadly gun violence which claimed the life of his son Joshua Jn Baptiste on Tuesday night, a Ciceron Castries father has lamented that Saint Lucia is becoming like a cemetery.

“I seeing like Saint Lucia turn to like a cemetery. I seeing the children not taking example. They moving careless and don’t care – they following friends,” Mc Lean Cherubin told St Lucia Times.

Cherubin said someone called him on Tuesday night saying that his son had been shot in Castries.

Mc Lean Cherubin – Father of deceased

“When I reached, they were just moving out with the body,” the father recalled, adding that the death of his son had plunged the family into mourning.

Cherubin said he had repeatedly cautioned his deceased son regarding his associates, some of whom the young man had only recently met.

“Moving around with friends – sometimes fellas you just get to know you tag up with them. I always tell him that’s not the right way. I tell him: ‘I don’t like that’. He is a big man. I can’t beat him. All I could do was talk to him,” he said.

Cherubin said Joshua Jn Baptiste was twenty-six years old.

According to the police, Jn Baptiste was walking along St Louis Street, Castries, when an unidentified individual shot him multiple times in the back at about 6:30 pm.

An ambulance transported the victim to the OKEU Hospital, where a medical practitioner pronounced him dead.

Saint Lucia has recorded 58 homicides, including three fatal police shootings.

Headline photo: Joshua Jn Baptiste – deceased

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  1. thats how the cycle repeats itself. a few days ago some individuals were shot and killed in a drive by in ciceron now this young man killed by the ciceron bus stand. Who knows they maybe are connected, his father said he warned him about the company he kept.

  2. Pluss and what if the police patrols were around? Do you really think the police could get into the way of a man pointing a loaded gun at his target? Come on. Some of these victims are only reaping what they sow. Why should the police risk their lives for them!

  3. Ok bro. The police must have magical powers, to be all places at all times. Wow. Go engage yourselves in gangs and criminal activities and expect the police to protect you. I wish you luck. It looks like Saint Lucia is experiencing a great purge! The name of the game is “The last criminal standing”. Let’s see who takes the prize.

  4. The bible admonishes up to train up a child in the way that they should go. Also children are to honor their parents. Why most parents don’t bring their young ones to church to know more about God. This is where our strength comes from as parents, we must give our children a firm foundation.

  5. Sorry4 him, he was AMBUSHED, goes with the company you keep. You have 2 get rid of the guns. It’s not only in Lucia, it’s throughout the Caribbean, guns and murder, no respect or life, (sigh)

  6. Is it just me but crime has gotten beyond belief under this administration. Guess the grass is not really greener on the other side

  7. Another young life lost – it is too sad. Sincere Condolences to the family who will live with this sadness and trauma forever. Even with good parents, the crime wave continues. I cannot believe, even with limited resources, that the Government/police cannot come up with strategies to get illegal guns off the streets. There will always be crime, but this is just crazy. Feels like doomsday.

  8. I agree- parents nowadays forget that their children can grasp a good solid, loving foundation by the teachings of the most high done in church ( catholic, 7 days, jehovah witness, baptiste, pentecostal etc. Why not FORCE your children into some form of volunteerism or act of goodwill eg) salvation army, redcross, choir, youth groups, boy scouts, girl guides, dance academies, music, sports club administration, community service. These young fellas just walk around with seatbelts around them with a small bag attached.


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