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Police Recover Items Stolen During Anse La Raye Guest House Robbery


About 10:10 p.m. on October 26, 2022, officers responded to a report of a Robbery at a guest house in Anse La Raye, involving several foreign nationals.

During the Robbery, a male security officer was assaulted by the assailants, and was seriously injured. He was able to apprehend one assailant, who was also wounded in the process. Both received care at local medical facilities.

The other assailants made away with personal items, money, cellular phones, belonging to guests of the property.

On Friday, October 29, 2022, officers attached to the Anse La Raye and Marigot Police Station conducted an operation in Anse Gallet, where they recovered all the stolen property, inclusive of some of the foreign currency taken.

The wounded assailant remains admitted at a local medical institution for care.

SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force

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  1. good news, I hope the one caught was able to talk. hope they arrest the others. Why their photo not posted, I see the other islands o=posting Photos and names.

  2. I agree with you. Their photos should be posted for everyone to see so that persons can be aware of their presence whenever they are around. Let me commend the Security Officer for a job well done.

  3. Great job Officers and Madame Commissioner. Bring the Charges, great job with Morne traffic check, and start making magistrates accountable for their weak as* punishments for the hard as* crimes and criminals in Lucia.

  4. No matter how you look at it it’s not a good thing when Lucians are killing each other however if they start to mess with the tourist it will be pretty much the end game for the island

  5. They should be displayed on the square and flogged in the presence of youngsters as a deterrent

  6. You’re not serious with this comment. I’d say shame on you. Admin should not let such comments go through.


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