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‘Jelly Boy’ Shot Dead In Castries

Saint Lucia recorded its 59th homicide on Friday with the fatal shooting of a man police identified as Jaleel Hunte, alias  ‘Jelly Boy’.

According to the police the shooter is unknown.

The Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) said it responded to the shooting report at Conway, Castries, at about 9:10 am.

SLFS Communications Officer Stacy Joseph said the responders found a man who seemed to be in his late twenties in the presence of police officers.

“He sustained a penetrating wound to the head and was void of all vital signs,” Joseph explained.

“Due to the obvious signs of death, the scene was left in the care of members of the police force,” the SLFS spokeswoman said.

There are no further details at present.

(Story updated)

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  1. Before we start beating our mouths– maybe lets try to understand who he was. Are these violent acts targetted? Are they random?

  2. Does it really make a difference? A homicide was reported and than God that it appear not to be a stray bullet death.

  3. @hmm, the story was updated after my comment OK, the previous version made it seem like the responders found the police with the body. They added the unknown shooter part afterwards. And that’s my problem with these media houses prioritising speed to release a story instead of accuracy.

  4. If you live by the gun, you will surely die by the gun. Hope his soul rotts in hell. The lives that were taken by those hands can now Rest In Peace.

  5. I bring this up constantly and i wonder if its being taken account of or the fact that the editor can edit these postings it just gets swept under the rug .

  6. Another INNOCENT young man gunned down 😢…Lord Put a hand…we need prayers…The gunman needs a job supplied by government to occupy his time.

  7. He was just a victim living in a oppressive capitalist system where the youtes have to work for 3 to 5 dollars an hour working 12 to 16 hours. The system and the 2 political parties have fail the citizenry

  8. A few years ago he Grab my Son Chàin in the Middle of town .His name have Been Mentionex in So many Homicides .The Police Didnt have info on Him but his Friends Did .He can Never Grab innocent persons Chain in town

  9. Rumour on the Capital streets is that he was on his way to OKEU to finish off another shooting victim there. Let’s hope there is absolutely no truth to this, cause I didn’t want to see, hear or read about the chaotic scenes that would have been there. Our country needs healing.

  10. He rub my girlfriend once him and akil no mercy for the wicked sleep in hell jelly rot with ur demons an for the innocent ladies and men life u has taken go rot in hell with the rest of the otf

  11. @Freemason not only I’m I nauseated by your idiotic comments but I am even more upset with the The times for posting your stupid A$$ comment

  12. Jelly Boy, sounds right! He got some petroleum jelly shoved up his barrel. I hope he saw it coming. A scourge to the nation’s inhabitants. Spare me the predictable, “good boy” “troublesome” “loving” “wouldn’t hurt a fly” mantra.

  13. Useless killings.
    Slp is too quiet about these crimes. I am not hearing them saying nada as if this is acceptable.
    The media self is just giving brief info. Lazy media. Go to other countries to find out how to report about such crimes.
    The media, politicians, family, activists, community, churches, education system including the criminals are all to blame.

  14. “Jelly Boy” is proof positive that our judicial system is broken. How on Earth was he out on the streets when almost two years ago he was caught with an illegal firearm (

    This just shows that a lot of these crimes are probably by repeat offenders. A friend who is well informed and part of our national security said that a lot of these killings and robberies are being committed by a small group of individuals. I’m starting to believe him.

  15. Why does the government have to provide the job? What about getting up, dress presentable and go job hunting. Government cannot do everything. We have to make an effort as well. When everything is handed to some individuals they make a mess out of it. No appreciation.

  16. @Alex Webb. Your question about Jelly Boy being on the streets after being caught with a weapon two years ago, consider it an eternal mystery. No sooner than bail is initiated, gunmen rearm and resume their activities. Sometimes, when bail money is forwarded as a loan, the gunman promptly starts robbing businesses in order to pay it back. The cops are on a treadmill; they can’t catch up-no way.

    Much of the gun problem is solvable. It doesn’t require a doctorate. Strategy is everything. If someone can play draughts, they can it figure out. It starts with no bail, trial within 60 days, mandatory sentencing if found guilty of weapons possession. Absolutely no fines. A simple case of attrition.

  17. Well said. The government needs to be pressed so the necessary changes can be made. Get caught with an illegal firearm means exactly what you put forth. No exceptions.

  18. There is really no mystery. He got away because of his affiliation with certain members of the Force which happens to be the hierarchy of Major crimes. Go figure! It is the same way three of these gun toting vagabonds who has the same affiliation with Jellyboy got released after being arrested for the murder of two young men o on Chausee road. It’s a corrupted system we live in.

  19. Nonsense. Some persons are given opportunities and squander it. I’m not referring to this man who was killed. Some They live in ghettos but don’t try to learn anything. Not academics, not a skill,zilch. They want easy life, smoke weed, rob, kill people who hustling just like them. The law needs to be harsher for illegal firearms. No bail. 20 years in prison per weapon and bullet. The greater damage the weapons also Max up the charge and punishment. Too many dirty cops also.

  20. St. Lucia is very near a failed state. Soon we will have gangs marking off their turf demanding protection fees from citizens. The police don’t have the answer. The government don’t care. And the people are not outraged. Haiti here we come.

  21. That boy family is from Conway,his mother is already dead,I don’t know his family is from grass street ,I don’t know him,but knows his grandma,he has brothers and sisters, enough of the bad comments,before you’ll start beating you’ll mouth,think about what his siblings are going through.

  22. Did he think about the siblings of the people he put down?? Obviously you know his family but not his lifestyle!


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