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Dominica National Charged With Attempted Murder Remanded In Custody


Dominica national Kyle Seaman was remanded in custody when he appeared virtually before the First District Court on Monday on a charge of attempted murder.

Seaman, alias ‘Taj’, is due again in court on December 16.

Saint Lucia police charged the Dominica national with attempted murder on November 3, 2022, concerning a shooting incident at Ti Colon on Monday, October 24, at about 10.00 pm.

A male resident sustained multiple gunshots while sitting on his balcony.


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  1. Remanded at Bordelais He should be Delt with on the Spot .Too many Foreign Nationals Coming to St.Lucia and Committ Crime and Get away

  2. A strong and loud example must be made for animals like these. We already have enough of our own, and on top of that to deal with foreigners coming here to do the nasty. I am convinced that there’s a percentage of corruption within the Police Force, and one or two members of our Cabinet. The World today is not for Angels – the devils have a free run, even the foreign ones. Lucians go to Martinique to do the nasties, so its bad all around. What ever has happened to St. Lucia? I believe it is ungodliness and that breeds unlawfulness.

  3. @Valdimir Puting If there are that much criminals foreigners in lucia the number of lucians doing rampage in Martinique is extraordinary high then.


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