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Man Hospitalised After Stabbing In Castries

Emergency personnel from the Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) transported a man to the OKEU Hospital Tuesday night after responding to a stabbing report on Micoud Street, Castries.

EMS Manager Fernando James said the fire department received a call for assistance at about 7:00 pm.

On arrival, bystanders informed the responders that a man had been stabbed.

The emergency crew found a man about thirty years old with multiple stab wounds on the body, assessed the patient, treated him, and transported him via ambulance to the OKEU Hospital.

His condition was unstable.

There are no further details at present.



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  1. They refuse to go and work for 3 to 5 EC dollars an hour working 12 to 16 hours shifts but prefer a life of crime

  2. Most of these Young men Men and Women Find that Working Per Fortnight is Too Long For a Decent pay so They prefer to Rob .Committ House Breaking and other Crimes.The Young Women Shop Lift and Make B$$$

  3. Please St Lucia Times even if we are entitled to free speech stop posting these idiotic comments from Freemason & Vladimir Putin because clearly they are not thinking from their heads

  4. St. Lucia times is in bed with slp. So many things happening in de country, so many things politicians doing and saying. You’ll not saying nada. You’ll not dissecting anything. St. Lucia is like a pressure cooker. It will soon explode. There will come a time when affected citizens will say enough is enough.


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