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Single Lane Operation In Effect For West Coast Road

The Department of Infrastructure, Ports, and Transport wishes to inform the General Public that the single lane operation of the West Coast Road between the existing Cul-De-Sac Bridge and Massy Stores (Cul-De-Sac Supermarket) will remain in effect until November 14, 2022 on Mondays to Saturdays from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Traffic management measures will be implemented to control the alternating flow of traffic through this area. This single lane operation is necessary to facilitate the paving of the byroad, located to the north of Massy Stores (Cul-De-Sac) and the construction of a temporary road, which will connect the southern approach road of the new Cul-De-Sac Bridge to the existing West Coast Road.

Motorists are asked to please be guided by the signs and flaggers which will be placed along the road. Delays should be expected during the undertaking of these works.

The Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport requests your continued cooperation and patience during the construction works and apologises for any inconvenience caused.

SOURCE: Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport. Headline photo: Stock image. 

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  1. you see yall self self self stop giving people in accurate news its about a month ago you guys said there will be a single lane traffic between what ever times in that area up to now i have not seen no single lane traffic.


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