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Twelve People Hospitalised After Choiseul Road Accident

The Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) transported twelve people to St. Jude Hospital on Saturday after an accident involving a minibus and a van at Balenbouche, Choiseul.

The Vieux Fort fire station received a call for assistance at about 3:45 pm and dispatched emergency personnel to the scene.

The responders assessed and treated the twelve injured individuals who had sustained various injuries.

And they transported the patients to the hospital in stable condition for further medical attention.

There are no further details at present.

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  1. For the sake of a dollar, mini bus drivers will kill everyone. They are the cause if insurance to get so high.

  2. i am on the road almost everyday and i see for myself how these mini bus drivers drive so reckless they just don’t care.
    even though i was not there i can tell you for a fact that most of these mini bus accidents are 99.9% there fault. they drive with no regard of the souls they have onboard there vehicle.

  3. My concern is which St. Jude Hospital received the injured persons, and is that place equipped scientifically to treat injury of an acute kind, yes or no? the Lords’ day today I pray, Amen

  4. Very sad. I do hope that all the victims of that accident are doing well. Nevertheless, I am really concern about the future of nursing. We as student nurses of the department of nursing at SALCC are begging for deliverance from the administration of that department. We are being treated with no empathy and altruism. The SALCC community does not hear our cry. We as majority women are not respected and appreciated by the administration of the department of nursing. We are humiliated and emotional abused repeatedly. Our pocket is the only friend to the administration of that department. We are mothers, sisters, aunts. Wifes, cousins, girl friend, employee and member of the community. Can anyone the husbands, fathers, brother, cousins, uncles, friends, community please, please, please, please, please,please help us. Please.

  5. Although I sympathize with you and what you’re going through I am a little concerned as to how ongoing these comments are. If I’m not mistaken its been over a month of comments from yourself mentioning these issues at SALCC. Not sure if you’ve attempted to reach out to the right people via other mediums but how about you leave a contact number so someone can contact you to address this matter?

  6. oh boy this reminds me of the morne sion accident when the mini bus lost brakes and went over the hill and everyone died


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