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WATCH: Gordon & Walcott Methodist School Installs Junior Safety Monitors


One school in the city center is taking safety and disaster risk reduction to another level with the installment of their Junior Safety Monitors Program.

 Danielle Du Bois has more in this report.

SOURCE: Ministry of Education

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  1. Absolutely thrilled that the school is moving forward in this direction. In a society where safety takes a backseat to almost everything, this is a welcome change. Hopefully, this young generation is able to apply things learned.

    Safety save lives and money.

  2. This is so empowering, Congratulations to the little scholars and safety mitigation mini teams, let’s advocate this is in all schools on this 27 mile island, this is a great initiative and a breath of fresh air, Thank you to this Principle.
    I think conflict resolution should be broadcasted all over the loud speaker trucks in every neighborhood over the weekends and all over the radio stations……


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