The Government of Saint Lucia through the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs and the Universal Health Coverage Project is set to launch a fact-finding survey.
The survey will serve as a digital data collection tool imperative to the imminent launch of the Universal Health Coverage Project.
There are five key components to the nationwide survey namely;
- Demographic information
- Public knowledge on Universal Health Coverage
- Services to expect under Universal Health Coverage
- Willingness to register
- Public preference on information dissemination
Nationals will be invited to participate in the survey via a user-friendly digital platform. The aim of Universal Health Coverage is to make healthcare more accessible to all segments of the population and facilitate a more inclusive health care system.
This includes the full range of essential health services, from health promotion to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care.
Minister for Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs, Hon. Moses Jn Baptiste says UHC forms a part of the Government’s mandate in improving health systems and ensuring that affordable and equitable health care is provided to Saint Lucians.
Hon Moses Jn Baptiste says “This government has taken concrete actions to cause Saint Lucia to have a sustainable Universal Healthcare system. We are creating more opportunities for access to good quality healthcare at every level of the healthcare system and we want all the people to understand the system. The views of our people on Universal Healthcare is critical to the ongoing process of refining the system which we will eventually create.”
SOURCE: Ministry of Health, Wellness & Elderly Affairs
So a tax on those who spare no effort to take care of themselves to take care of those who waste away their lives drinking under the CDC and getting KFC richer. Great!