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Pierre Reiterates Concern Over Garbage In Saint Lucia’s Waterways


Declaring that he is very concerned over global warming, Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre Thursday reiterated his concern over the indiscriminate garbage dumping in waterways.

Pierre highlighted his garbage disposal concern while pointing to ‘low hanging fruit’ that require attention first in mitigating the effects of global warming, followed by major issues.

“It sounds very simple ‘Stop dumping garbage in the waterways,” the Prime Minister asserted during an appearance on the HTS programme ‘What Makes You Mad.’

The Castries East MP spoke against the backdrop of the November 6 trough resulting in devastating floods in the North of Saint Lucia.

“The floods are going to come. The rain is going to come again,” Pierre warned.

And in addition to his call for an end to indiscriminate garbage disposal, he spoke of the need to consider flood mitigation in building construction.

“In your home construction, instead of looking at some of the niceties inside, look at some of the mitigation outside,” Pierre explained.

He also noted that Japan and Europe would shortly ban gasoline vehicles.

“These people are going to be giving these vehicles away to Third World countries,” Pierre told programme Host Stanley Lucien.

“Now, how do you tell a guy in Saint Lucia not to buy a vehicle for $5000?”

In this regard, Pierre spoke of the need for education in schools to help children understand Saint Lucia’s carbon footprint.

He also highlighted the need for advocacy, noting that the world had been offered $200 billion for climate change.

However, Pierre observed a lot of bureaucracy in getting the funds.

He declared that the larger countries responsible for climate change must understand that they must ease the bureaucracy because the rains will result in flooding, and the situation will worsen.


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  1. The people affected by the flooding are not the ones dumping garbage in the rivers. So fix the problem

  2. You talking about bad garbage practices when Government itself is doing worse. Former Mayor Peterson Francis instructed city cleaners and shop owners from all over would Castris to dump their collected waste in the area reserved for the RESIDENTS of the CDC on NHC’s property. The most disgusting refuse is within a residential compound. Now rats are overrunning the place. The current mayor Ms Lendor has done nothing to address the problem the CCC created. Solid waste management is doing nothing about it. The ministry of health don’t care. NHC is quiet as well. Mr. Pee EMM. Kindly, fix the rot at the top.

  3. Hon PM, we also need to address the unwanted content that is within the department of nursing at SALCC. We the students are concern that the live of the department of nursing in on its way of reflecting St.Helen University and Atlantic University which were once present in St.Lucia. Persons are now asking who was the Dean of those questionable institutions. As student nurses our cries need to be heard. SALCC administration is aware of our depressing situation. Why are they not addressing the obvious issues in the department of nursing. Why?

  4. St lucia times u all always blocking comments from people. Why u all not blocking student nurse. The girl needs psychological help. It does not mean she is not saying the truth about the people, many of these people at sir arthur are useless and got jobs because of friend of a friend thing. But aside from this, it appears that student nurse cannot cope with the place or the academic work. I would not want her let loose on patients either. Please remove those comments from her and do some investigative journalism on sir arthur. I need a rest from student nurse like many people.

  5. Well said Most Honorable you damn if you do and damn if you don’t these dutty yellow nose pickers will hate at every little thing you say, implement, or revised it’s an uphill battle so just ignore those Clowns and continue to shout it from the hilltop STOP BEEN NASTY, STOP DUMPING YOUR BLASTED GARBAGE IN THE RIVERS AND GULLIES.


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