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Police Issue Tickets, Impound Vehicles During Traffic Operations

The Northern Division (Gros Islet and Babonneau Police Station), along with the Bicycle Patrol Unit and Special Services Unit of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force conducted several traffic related operations over a three-day period in the north of the island.

During the operations, a total of one hundred and eight-four (184) motor vehicles were processed.

Officers issued twenty-seven (27) traffic tickets for various violations, including operating a motor vehicle without proper insurance, registration and valid licences or permits.

The officers also had cause to impound six (6) motor vehicles for being in contravention of the Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic Act.

Three (3) outstanding Warrants were also served on individuals located as a consequence of the vehicular check points. Additionally, one male individual was cautioned for Disobedience to a Lawful Order and Obstruction.

The Northern Division and by extension, the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force remains resolute in its commitment to reduce crime and increase citizen security. These operations are a continued effort towards achieving our mandate.


SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force. Headline photo: Police check (Stock image)








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  1. Madam Commissioner, when will you put police at the Anse La Raye police station to conduct an operation similar to this one? To those of us residing at Roseau, Jacmel, and Bois Inde the Anse La Raye Police station is useless. It appears the police are afraid of the Jacmel and Bois Inde criminals. We want police, not PO.

  2. ……. As a St Lucian , first time in history I seeing and reading this…. Tickets ….It’s about time!…smph…..”cars were impounded due to fraudulent registration plates, being operated with expired registration and insurance certificates, and being operated by an individual without a valid driver’s license licences”…..
    60% of this island is driving with invalid drivers licenses…. There’s your road money! More stops , traffics PHoCking crawling anyway now for weeks…. Super job BIKE PATrol, Great job fixing cap hwy sink hole …thank you….however there’s are about 10 holes surrounding that area that still need to be filled!…. Please focus on WASCO!.


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